Morris Living & The Environment
At Morris Living we care about the world we live in, and try to incorporate this into our decisions whenever possible, from packaging and marketing through to logistics and delivery - we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions too.
Here are a few of the ways we try to do our part.
DPD Delivery
DPD are one of our favoured delivery partners, and chances are if you order a swivel chair it will be DPD who deliver it. We use them partly because of the great service they offer to our customers (fast deliveries, time slot notifications, excellent tracking) but also because of the amount of work they put into keeping the planet green.
From pollution monitoring in cities to solar power generation at their depots and now they are working on building the largest fleet of electric delivery vehicles in the UK. We love what they stand for.
DX Freight
We're on-site with DX Freight which reduces the amount of time and carbon emissions it takes to get your chairs to the courier.
The Web, Not Trees
Traditional mail order companies would rely on a printed brochure, and we do still get asked for them, but have taken the decision as a company to not produce them. Our website offers all of the information on our entire range with up to date pricing, stock levels and a simple, secure way to order.
By not producing thousands of glossy brochures we save on mailing, print costs, paper and packaging which helps us offer better prices to our end users and helps us keep our environmental footprint low.
All of our staff use the "digital first" philosophy so we dont waste paper printing.
Remote Work, Central Communication
With a variety of staff working in various parts of the UK and worldwide we dont have a requirement for expensive central offices and our staff dont need to commute each day. What we lose from not being in a central office we make up for with a robust IT system that allows our staff to communicate quickly and efficiently and handle orders promptly.
Waste Management
We recently received the Zero Waste to Landfill award from our waste collection partner. This means everything we throw out such as packaging materials etc has been recycled or reused.